It's Kaitiaki's Birthday

Josh was up and at it well before me this morning, the alarm clock is working well for him. He phoned Kai all by himself and wished him happy birthday and a good day.
Off to school early this morning with only light snacks as its Hotdog Day.
Josh was no where to be found when I got to school but Lochie soon informed me that he was on the loo.
Nearly 10 mins later he slowly comes out, I then tell him come on we are going to Kaitiaki's for his birthday, in a flash of light he was gone, ha ha ha.
Kai seemed to have a great day. We decided to get Kai a vortex ball hope he likes it as much as Josh likes his one. Josh, Lil and Kai all played Thomas Tank Engine together then we had to head home for our yummy roast dinner.
Josh and Lil played well all evening, had baths then it was storytime for Joshua - How a Grinch stole Christmas we read half already but will finish the rest tomorrow night.