I wasnt suprised to find Josh playing his online games when I woke this morning. It was quite hard to get him off the PC but as soon as I mentioned we were going to our neighbours for lunch and therefore he would get to play with Lea he was straight up to clean his room and get ready for the day.
He was really well behaved at Olive's house up until I said we had to go, his mood swinged so dramatically and he wouldnt even say goodbye to anyone, it was quite embarressing actually, so we had a little talk when we got home and I tried to make him understand that by acting the way he did was quite rude and he wouldnt like it if he had visitors and they wouldnt say goodbye to him.
Josh then played outside for a while until the weather turned for the worst and he decided it was time for some more online game fun. He was still playing when I woke from my afternoon sleep so I had to tell him to give it a rest for a while and do something else which didnt please him at all until he noticed men in black 2 was playing on the T.V.
He wanted to stay up and watch more T.V. with me but since the movie wasnt suitable for his age I suggested he better go to bed and he could watch any movie of his choice but he opted for a game on the playstation and was asleep 10 mins later.
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