Josh had a great day today, he was up before me yet again and had made himself honey on toast and a huge strawberry milk. He was allowed 1 hour on the PC as he coudnt play outside due to the rain, then it was off to Nan and Poppys to play with Bella.
Nikki brought him back home just after lunch and we all headed down to check out a unit for Nicole to rent. The kids run a riot through the place, hiding in the cupboards and doing laps around the yard. Then it was a race back to my place and the kids won hands down, its amazing how fast they can run.
Aunty Nikki went home while Bella decided to stay and play with Josh, even though it was freezing outside they still wanted to ride bikes but before I knew it the rain set in and they were both inside again. Josh decided it was time to show Bella how to play the PS2 and he taught her how to play gran turismo, it was so cute to see them both laughing and even when they were crashing and taking forever to complete their game they were still ahving a ball of fun.
Bella went home for dinner but asked if she could come back and stay for the night, Josh couldnt wait any longer for his cousin to come back and he passed out on the couch. Poor boy didnt get much of a rest as Lilly was laughing and yelling at Nemo on the T.V.
Josh wasnt impressed his dinner was cold when he awoke but soon after re-heating it was all gone and Bella was back again.
Both of them locked themselves away in Josh's room and played games, watched movies, giggled and carried on till 11pm.
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