Josh the Pirate

I picked Josh up from Aunty Nikki's at 8.45, he was dressed and eager to get to his Pirate day at the school. He didnt seem at all fussed as I was making a big deal at saying goodbye, he just wanted to get straight into making Pirate stuff.
I was there to collect him at 4.30 and he really looked as though he had fun, covered in black paint :( all over his gorgeous pants and cool pirate shirt.
He also brought home his eye patch he made, a sword and other items he made during last weeks activities.
He was ok when I told him he couldnt play on the PC tonight and did a great job at amusing himself, mainly chasing Lilly around!
He didnt eat much of his dinner as he wasnt impressed that I had mixed in rice.
Aunty Nikki and Bella visited again, Josh and Bella played some playstation and also got into trouble for drawing on his table with textas! Nicole and Bella left not long after this and I informed Josh that it was time for bed. He was sound asleep by 8.30