Back to school - Term 4

Josh was easy to wake this morning and was ever so keen to get to school to see his friends, he was so much happier when he realised his dad was driving him to school.
It was so nice to see him run off with a huge smile on his face and his class mates greet him at the gate. Im a lucky mum as I still get a kiss and cuddle before he runs for the school, I savour every one as I know it wont last much longer, lol.
We picked him up at 3.30 and he was good and came straight to the car, he even said thanks mum for letting me have a play after school, he obviously still doesnt want me to pick him up on time! He brought this home today ...

He amazed me when he got home as he emptied his school bag and packed his lunch box away without me asking, he evn changed out of his school clothes and put them in the laundry, he must really want his pocket money this week, lol.
I didnt think he would have a bar of dinner as it was pasta bake and I had hidden capsicum and onions in it, but to my suprise had polished it all off.
He had a few games on his PS2 and then he hit the sack by 8.30