Josh was a little harder to wake this morning so I let him sleep until 8am, which was a bad mistake as when we got to school he wasnt impressed that he didnt have any time left to play before the bell went, off he trotted with a sour look, but I was pleased to see him happily playing in the sand pit when I went to pick him up in the afternoon.
Today's artwork from school ...

Josh again did all his chores without me asking when he got home, he makes me so proud!
As I was cooking dinner he came out and boasted look mum Ive got my pj's on and I put my clothes in the laundry, my head was literally spinning.
He ate all his dinner and was then determined to pass a level on his game so he was happily playing in his room.
I did some washing, and also caught up on some emails, put Lill to bed then again to my amazement Josh comes out and asks for akiss and cuddle as he wanted to go to bed, I went up to tuck him in and make sure he was comfy but he was already asleep!